
Introducing Vitalism, a movement to establish Longevity States to allow every human to live in optimal health indefinitely.

We are excited to announce the launch of Vitalism, a revolutionary movement against death and biological decline. Our mission is to allow every human to live in optimal health indefinitely.
April 30, 2023
Reading Time
3 mins

We are excited to announce the launch of Vitalism, a revolutionary movement against death and biological decline. Our mission is to allow every human to live in optimal health indefinitely.

To realize this mission, we are focusing on transforming existing jurisdictions into Longevity States - states that prioritize extending lifespans in optimal health.

We are pursuing this strategy because only State-level influence can drive the resources to make meaningful progress against aging, humanity’s chief cause of suffering and death. 

Specifically, 1% of global GDP and 600,000 people should be dedicated to solved aging as soon as possible; for context, that would be an 1800-fold increase in investment from 2022. 

Establishing Longevity States will take community support and substantial capital. That’s why we will create a for-profit economic engine and talent magnet including ventures such as a real estate ecosystem focused on health and longevity, a venture builder and accelerator, a venture fund for health and longevity, and a cutting-edge concierge medicine service. 

Additionally, we are designing an operating system for cities and states to offer their residents optimal longevity and health. Through legislation, reform and innovation Longevity States will be the easiest place in the world to live at optimum health, and attract money, talent and innovation. 

As more people engage and enjoy the positive impact from our efforts, State transformation will accelerate. And once one Longevity State is established, others will follow, together comprising a greater global Longevity Network for all who share our mission.

One example of a candidate state is Rhode Island, USA. If chosen, Rhode Island can become the Silicon Valley of longevity. With a population of 1.1M people and only 40 minutes by train from Boston, the world’s #1 biotech hub it can attract both existing residents and those from out of state, especially given the new realities of remote work.

On a philosophical level, Vitalism is meant to serve as a unifying ideology for all who love life. It is also a call for every member of the longevity community to relocate and focus their efforts in specific locations. By creating high-density networks, we can merge our voices and reach vastly more people while accelerating innovation and amplifying our influence.

While aging and death are ancient and terrifying, now is the best time in history to confront them. 

Join us on this journey to allow every human to live in optimal health indefinitely.


Adam and Nathan

Co-founders, Vitalism


Adam Gries & Nathan Cheng

Adam and Nathan are the co-founders of Vitalism -- a movement to establish Longevity States to end aging and death

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Introducing Vitalism, a movement to establish Longevity States to allow every human to live in optimal health indefinitely.